Friday, June 22, 2007

new toys at Buck Hill this week

After being frustrated with my cycle computer conking out for the third time in 3 months I got rid of the wires and bought a garmin gps unit. It measures heartrate, elevation, speed, lap time, distance, some other stuff and maps where you go. Check out the data I collected from Buck Hill if you are so inclined on mb.
Also we all ran kenda karma 2.o tires on Thursday and they worked great in the loose and muddy stuff we had to contend with. They added some old trail back in the past couple weeks and it had a lot of the loose stuff. The course was just a little soggy from the rain earlier in the day. We didn't get any rain while racing, but after preriding half the course on my small block eights and hearing thunder while at the top of the hill I rushed back and changed tires. Got to the startline a little late and had to muscle my way into a third row start position. Race went pretty well although we had to run up the first steep climb due to logjam. Here's a bonus photo from Afton:

Stay tuned for some spy photo's of an anonymous birchwood rider showing how they win so many races..

1 comment:

paul said...

that data is cool. what system is that again? I was seeing gps (your path I guess) elevation, heartrate.. very cool.