Wednesday, May 2, 2007

This came in the mail today. Confirmation of one serious effort. Here are some stats:
32 hours
135 miles
-35 degrees(not counting windchill)
46 starters
10 finishers
6 frostbitten toes(only counting mine, there were a lot others)
1st attempt, 2nd place

Some things I learned:
Don't combine perpetuem with oreos. You'll be off the side of the trail pretty quick with it coming out the other end.
Don't wear bibs.
If you use a waterpack, make sure you blow all liquid out of the tube and back to the bag before it freezes.
Tubeless works great in -35.
Come prepared for the worst.



Clayton said...

dude, that thing looks cool.

Clayton said...

Was it worth the frostbite?

paul said...

congrats Joel, on a hard won trophy. those conditions you endured will only increase the legend of the arrowhead. I hope the year I attempt it the race isn't quite as tough as '07.

caleb said...

damn this pretty nice! congrats! now that means you have to win next year!