Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

the hub cycling league kit. ta da

Come on, tell me this isnt hot! arm/leg warmers and hat coming soon folks!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

stupabowl went down

well i have to say it was one good time all around. The day thankfully was warm anough to not even use my goggles. i actually felt over dressed with my wool jersey on underneath my jacket.

I had my brand spanken new pac hippack and it was all i really needed to carry my manifest pen lock ipod and goats blood. i coulda left my "courier bag" or dead weight at home. On that id love to see further stupabowls at least try to make it the tiniest bit like a courier race. Fix a flat stops, thieving bikes if you dont lock em up, and my favorite making the person supply their own pen for signatures. Not knocken the race runners just a thought folks.

When we started it we didn't really do those things cuz we new it was couriers coming into town and all of us with maybe a few never dropped a package folk, so it was fine. now theres like maybe 30 current couriers 10-30 ex couriers and 200-250 never drops. Kinda starts to get a bit outta hand. but oh well its still fun!

me and noomie rode down and as we entered one's parking lot i proceeded to upend myself into a wicked style move or as others saw it i fell the fuck on my ass as i tried to come to a stop :) pretty tight either way.

locked up, went in, and regied. saw a few old faces like brett and b-rad, no other old school droppers. I wasnt actually worried about winning and such i was just down for some actual race tempo fun and shennanigens in the streets, and really happy mags worked for me so i could enjoy the day!!! Well low and behold my brother in crime trevor clayton (i prefer to ride with claytons i suppose) walked up and said who you riding with and i said you. Then it went from fun to 11.

we got our route set and trevor came up with a last sec wrinkle by noticing we should make our last stop sunrise and take the ltr in. Good call. We switched it up and got ourselves with all the other flesh on wheels and went to the start under the harriet island bridge.

Mike and geno blabbed some stuff in there mini microphone and noone could hear em. We heard a "go" and we did. After running up the hill we saw everyone heading for the nordeast stops. bully to that me and trevor went for the southside and only saw about 4 or 5 people go that direction.

We got in a good clip and started for the nomad and the south. After we hit the hex and was halfway towards uptown i was really feeling the effects of 2 months outta the saddle. Trevor is one mean mother fucker on his bike and i was surprised i was able to keep up with him being as he commutes to qbp every day(30miles).

We took care of all the uptown shit and made our first on the fly good decision on the route. Popped under the i94 bridge toward dunwoody and rode the wrong way on the sidewalk to international market square. i almost got plowed by a truck. yikes! Rolled up to cedar lk rd and then into downtown.

As we left mckenzies (fricken scotts) i popped my leg over my handlebar and got a wicked charlie horse in my planted legs calf. holy shit that was painful. i had to ride it out. it went away by 5th but would creap back as we hit hills from then on.

We got dt done and went for nordeast. we blazed down broadway and saw a group of lollygaggers pedaling along. we got to the light and shimmied thru 2 turning cars and killed the bridge hill. neil from work was with the slowboats. We did add a touch of time on the race by taking university over to psycho suzies from behind bushes when we should have popped on marshal. my bad call on that one.

We get done with nord and were going to take 4th and uni over to the uofm to get this stop just off of e henn and 26th. i switched it up and we took broadway over and then went to stinson this dropped us right on e henn and 18th. got the stop and then i switched it up again and decided to take como all the way to our next stop big v's in st paul.

That worked out well it was fun riding on the snelling highway for a bit! i was hurten by now my stupid ass cramp was flaring up and i was not in good enough shape to ride at this tempo but i held in there. Trevor at this point other than some car cut of's and such was mostly in front i rode along side him for as much as i could but i wouldn't have been able to hold on if i hadnt drafted him some. Props trevor!!

We get v's and start up the hell hill which is university to the witches tower. as we get to the double super americas trevor pulls and executive decision and takes a left. we go up a short steep street right to a dead end. oops! I look to the right nasty icey drop and to the left someones yard. charge!! we run thru and try to get our way to large gears to turn from dead stop on a steep hill and to the witches tower.

Jimmy was worken this stop and it was icy hell up there. i fell and almost slide off the cement trying to get to jimmy. he said people were droppen all day there, that would have been a fun stop to work.

We then pop down to franklin and weave our way past the hub minny and up too the sunrise. We got lucky again and made the light across the rail line and then got picked up the second we stepped onto the platform for the ltr after sunrise bar our last stop.

We felt like we had this shit in the bag i even asked trevor if he wanted to paper rock scissors for first. :) we didnt really come to any conclusion and we didnt seem to worried about it agreed to see what happens.

got of the ltr at the metrodome and got to the bolt one other guy was pulling up and running for the door with me. he got his manifest in wills hands before me and i was like whats the then 1st 2nd 3rd? he said well top 20. noooooooo way!!!!!!! we just thought we had this shit locked.

So it gets better i guess landin pulled for sarah the whole race. kinda weak in one aspect but sarah was able to stay with him and thats still damn tuff and fast. good show!! we had our first women to win overall stuperbowl. you gotta like that! Go sarah!!

So lots a yammeren afterwards and me trying to get more old dogs to go to worlds. Lots of good stuff! Me and trevor are gonna team up next year and see if we cant set the record straight next time. he said he might even join the team.

I wish i had a chance to get landin and sarahs route to see how the hell they made that sunrise stop work with the rest of the stops?

I was on a 47/15 and trevor was on a 49/15. Both steel fixed beasts!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

new team look

Well worken with tims bro is of too a good start. We sat down and talked about the jerseys and worked of echothers ideas. it seems we are headen towrds some snazzy gear i cant wait to get his preliminary mock ups to post to the list next week.

the thing i liked the best is our idea to have a cloud like tattoo that starts surrounding the front chest logo and then twists around the back, back around the front and down the leg. the cloud will be a collage of chainring skulls not like our old logo more simplistic but with chainring outlines. it seems we have a very punk tattoo style coming our way.

he is gonna play with the hat arm/leg warmers and socks to give us something that not only works with the whole but has slight tweaks to the look to make them all unique.

he is also working on getting us completed for the middle of feb at the latest so we can have or new kits by end o march middle of april


Friday, February 1, 2008

speed training

I'm definitely looking for some quick training.. something like "less volume, more intensity" .. so I'm gonna try stair climbing,since the ice will be gone in a couple of weeks from the rink. you've been warned. Maybe I'll start training with 300 - 400 times up from the basement.. (it's only about 10 steps. ..) dunno. but this is funny:


laet,e r !